Sunday 30 September 2012

Third person dead from Venezuela election shooting: Capriles

A nation inured to wanton murder was nevertheless shocked by this one: In November 2010, a group of four young men milling about as a party ended attacked another teen, randomly picking him as the victim of their vicious assault. Bobby Tillman, 18, did nothing to provoke his assailants to knock him to the ground and kick and stomp him to death.The crime occurred outside a suburban Atlanta home after parents called a halt to a teen party that had gotten out of control. This was no beating by members of a rival gang, no attack set off by longstanding grudges or old misunderstandings. ...


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Mitt Romney Is All In For Monsanto | Neon Tommy

Mitt Romney has close ties with Monsanto. (Creative Commons)

Mitt Romney has close ties with Monsanto. (Creative Commons)

Agriculture is one of the most important industries in the U.S., since we are the bread basket of the world. However, it is an industry that is largely taken for granted.?

The turn of the last century ushered in an era of U.S. dominance in manufacturing. The resultant new economy forced agriculture to industrialize as well, and this is what gave us Monsanto.

The infamous Monsanto Company started out as an industrial chemical company in 1901. Up until the 1940s, Monsanto made chemicals such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), in addition to plastics and synthetic fabrics.

In the 1960s, Monsanto established its agricultural division, which the company has since adopted as its main business model.

The company has always prided itself on "having friends in high places" - especially when it comes to business executives-turned-politicians. From 1977 to 1985, Mitt Romney was involved with the company via Bain & Company. Romney represented Monsanto so well during the first slew of Monsanto controversies that in fact, the origins of the firm Bain Capital can be traced to Monsanto.

The Vietnam War was the catalyst for Monsanto's poor reputation. The company supplied a herbicide known as Agent Orange to the U.S. military for use in the war. This chemical has since been linked to cancer outbreaks among Vietnamese and American soldiers, and the use of Agent Orange has been crowned "the largest chemical warfare operation in history."

In addition, Monsanto, which is based out of St. Louis, has been linked to chemical dumping incidents as recently as 2002. There have been documented cases of chemical disposal in rivers in Missouri and Alabama. Ten years ago, a Mother Jones article described fish "spurting blood and shedding skin within 10 seconds of a PCB dump."?

In the aftermath of these tragedies, Romney was charged with guiding the company out of lawsuits with Congress. Romney proved to be a critical asset to Monsanto, and Bain & Company was forced to create Bain Capital for Mitt Romney in order to keep him with the firm. At Bain Capital, Romney held the title of both president and CEO.

For decades now, the corporate agricultural monopoly has been concealing its fraudulent practices with the help of other key lawmakers. Monsanto affiliates include congressional men and women on both sides of the political spectrum, including Lidia Watrud, Roger Beachy and Hilary Clinton.

Not only has Romney done his part to protect Monsanto in the past, but he has also hinted at his plans to help the company in the future. His Agricultural Advisory Committee is comprised mostly of Monsanto lobbyists and partners.

Even worse, Romney is in favor putting the "Monsanto rider" provision in the 2012 Farm Bill. The Farm Bill, which has been put on ice in the House until after the election, has been a hotly debated partisan bill which for many months now. The "Monsanto rider" provision of the bill would prevent the USDA from blocking "unsafe or untested products, forbid outside studies of Monsanto products? safety, and exempt itself from environmental law."

This past summer, the worst drought in recent memory hit the great plains area, which among other things has caused a spike in food prices. WIth no end to the drought in sight, climate change on the horizon and continued pollution threats to our fresh water, do we really want a president who supports the interests of a company that doesn't give a damn about the environment?

Mitt Romney can't be trusted to protect our natural resources and lead this country toward a sustainable future. He will be a puppet for Monsanto, like other lawmakers before him.


Reach Contributor Alexis Miller?here.


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Family demands answers in Border Patrol shooting

By Monica Garske, Tony Shin and Elena Gomez,

SAN DIEGO -- The family of a 32-year-old woman killed by a U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent in Chula Vista on Friday?is outraged by what they believe was an unjustified shooting.

Police and family members confirmed that Chula Vista resident Valeria "Monique" Alvarado, also known as Valeria Tachiquin, was the woman killed in the?agent-involved shooting?around 1 p.m. Friday near Moss Street and Oaklawn Avenue.

Chula Vista officials said the shooting happened in the middle of the street in a residential area after a U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent was allegedly?assaulted by a woman driving a vehicle.

Officials said Border Patrol agents were serving a felony warrant in the area when Alvarado allegedly intentionally tried to run over an agent. Alvarado was not the subject of the warrant.

CBP Chief Patrol Agent Rodney Scott said the agent was carried several hundred yards on the hood of the car before he fired his weapon at the woman.

"The suspect was armed with a vehicle, and literally ran our agent down," said Scott. ?He was carried several hundred yards before he discharged his weapon through the windshield of the vehicle.?

Alvarado was killed in the shooting. The agent was hospitalized and his current condition is unknown.

But, in spite of information from Chula Vista officials, Alvarado?s family has a very different story about what happened on Moss Street Friday.

Her husband, Gilbert Alvarado, is furious about what happened to his wife ? the mother of his five children. He believes the agent who shot her overreacted.

"My wife got killed for no reason," Gilbert told NBC 7 Friday night. "Show me that my wife had a gun or something that threatened the guy?s life where he had to use lethal force against her."

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Alvarado?s family confirmed the warrant had nothing to do with her and the mother of five would never intentionally hurt anyone for any reason.

Alvarado?s cousin, Bernice Ratcliffe, is trying to make sense of something she believes was senseless.

"I think we're all shocked and we want answers,? said Ratcliffe. ?"They didn't have to shoot her!?

Witnesses in the area at the time of the shooting told NBC 7 San Diego they saw Alvarado slowly driving in reverse as the agent opened fire on her at least six times.

"As the car was backing up the officer was in the street walking toward the car, and discharging,? recalled witness Prince Watson.

?I heard it, ?Pow, pow,? and just told my family to get down,? said witness Ayanna Evans.

Witnesses believe Alvarado may have accidentally struck the agent and panicked when he told her to stop and pulled out his gun.

They said the agent was in plain clothes and was not displaying a badge.

?The whole [thing] didn?t look right,? added Evans.

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Meanwhile, Christian Ramirez of the Southern Border Communities Coalition said the organization stands behind Alvarado?s family and will help them seek justice.

"We will do everything in our power to make sure the investigation is conducted in a transparent fashion, and the family gets the justice they deserve,? said Ramirez.

Still, that doesn?t erase the pain and anger Gilbert feels after losing his wife.

?Whoever shot my wife -- whoever he is ? that guy needs to get shot,? he said.

Family members said Alvarado went to Chula Vista High School. The five children she leaves behind range in age from three to 17.

Officials have not yet released the name of the agent involved in the deadly shooting. The investigation is ongoing.

On Saturday, Alvarado's loved ones set up a small memorial of flowers, photos and messages near the area where Alvarado was killed. A fundraiser for the family is planned for Sunday at the Rally's on 3rd and Moss Street betwen 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Near the memorial, many neighbors, friends and family called Alvarado ?innocent? and were still in shock by the way she was killed.

?I don't think it should have [gone] down like that. I don't think she should have been shot,? one neighbor told NBC 7. ?They're a person. They are a part of this world. I decided to put up how we feel [in the memorial] and [show] that we are with the family.?

?I feel bad for the family that has to go through this. I think Monique is an innocent person,? added another friend.

NBC 7 investigated Alvarado?s criminal history, which only includes a court case from 2004.

A spokesperson for the family said Alvarado was involved with drug possession eight years ago, but she never served time in jail and has been clean for years.

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Songs in the key of sea

ScienceDaily (Sep. 28, 2012) ? Soft horns and a tinkling piano form the backbone of "Fifty Degrees North, Four Degrees West," a jazz number with two interesting twists: it has no composer and no actual musicians. Unless you count bacteria and other tiny microbes, that is.

The song is the brainchild of Peter Larsen, a biologist at the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory. Larsen, it turns out, has no musical training at all; his interests run less towards the blues and more towards blue-green algae.

When faced with an avalanche of microbial data collected from samples taken from the western English Channel, Larsen recognized he needed a way to make sense of it all. "Thinking of interesting ways to highlight interactions within data is part of my daily job," he said. "I am always trying to find new ways to visualize those relationships in ways so that someone can make relevant biological conclusions."

Listen to examples of microbial bebop:

In the case of the western English Channel data, however, Larsen decided that a visual representation of the data would not be as effective as one he could hear.

"There are certain parameters like sunlight, temperature or the concentration of phosphorus in the water that give a kind of structure to the data and determine the microbial populations," he said. "This structure provides us with an intuitive way to use music to describe a wide range of natural phenomena."

A colleague of Larsen's suggested that classical music could effectively represent the data, but Larsen wanted any patterns inherent in the information to emerge naturally and not to be imposed from without.

"For something as structured as classical music, there's an insufficient amount of structure that you can infer without having to tweak the result to fit what you perceive it should sound like," Larsen said. "We didn't want to do that."

While this is not the first attempt to "sonify" data, it is one of the more mellifluous examples of the genre. "We were astounded by just how musical it sounded," Larsen said. "A large majority of attempts to converting linear data into sound succeed, but they really don't obey the dictates of music -- meter, tempo, harmony. To see these things in natural phenomena and to describe them was a wonderful surprise."

According to Larsen, the musicality of the data is not limited to the organisms in the English Channel. In another set of analysis, he and his colleagues used a similar methodology to look at the relationship between a plant and a fungus.

"We expect to see the same intuitive patterns recurring in different environments," he said. "Sometimes, it can sound a little avant-garde, but it's not random because it reflects very real phenomena."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by DOE/Argonne National Laboratory. The original article was written by Jared Sagoff.

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Saturday 29 September 2012

Cops probe 'suspicious' death of Brockport student (Rochester Democrat and Chronicle)

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AP Interview: Iran opposition chief sees rebirth

AUVERS-SUR-OISE, France (AP) ? The leader of an Iranian militant group that was taken off the U.S. terror list on Friday says the move will change her group's "balance of power" with the world ? predicting a higher profile in politics, fundraising and diplomacy as well as increased anti-regime activity in Iran.

The U.S. State Department said the People's Mujahedeen of Iran (MEK) hasn't committed terror for more than a decade. The decision means that effective immediately, any assets the group has in the United States are unblocked and Americans are permitted to do business with the organization.

Maryam Rajavi, the Paris-based head of the exiled opposition group, said in a rare interview that she hopes the organization can now have the ear of the world's diplomats to help bolster its bid to overthrow Iran's clerical regime. She stressed that its goal was to replace the Islamic Republic with a democratic government.

Rajavi praised the "courage" of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton for what MEK believes was a long overdue decision. A court order had given Clinton until Oct. 1 to act. The group was removed from the European Union's terrorist list in 2009.

"It now has become evident for everyone that these (terror) allegations were untrue," she said. "This is a movement for freedom and democracy in Iran."

The Iranian regime is likely to be furious at the U.S. decision to delist MEK ? for years the only armed exile opposition group. The group, which began as a guerrilla movement fighting Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, helped overthrow the monarch in 1979 then quickly fell out with the Islamic Republic's first leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

MEK later teamed up with Iraq to battle Iran in an eight-year war in the 1980s, then from its Iraqi base continued military action against neighboring Iran.

A senior State Department official said Washington does not view the group as an opposition movement that can promote democratic values in Iran. The official briefed reporters on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to speak publicly on the matter.

"They are not part of our picture in terms of the future of Iran," the official said.

Still, the U.S. credited the group's 3,000-plus members at a paramilitary base near Iraq's border with Iran with a peaceful departure to another camp, a major step in their eventual departure from Iraq.

The United States contends the group was responsible for the killing of several American military officials and defense contractors in the 1970s, carrying out attacks on Iran from its base in Iraq.

Rajavi, 58, wore what has become a trademark headscarf among MEK women during the interview Friday at MEK's headquarters in the leafy town of Auvers-Sur-Oise north of Paris. She denied claims by critics that MEK has all the earmarks of a cult, blaming Iran for such allegations.

"All the energy and potential of our movement were chained" during the 15 years that MEK was listed by the United States as a terrorist organization, she said, speaking in French as well as the Iranian language of Farsi through a translator.

At its headquarters, the group was preparing for a jubilant fete on Saturday, plastering walls on the street with red drapes and photographs of "martyrs," as it refers to members who have been killed.

"The diplomatic scene will be completely different" because the group's status as a pariah will evaporate, Rajavi said, reiterating MEK's long-standing denial of terrorism.

But, she said, "the most important impact ... will be seen inside Iran."

"The balance of power, the balance of power is going to change. For example, the first message for the Iranian people will be they won't fear increasing their activity and increasing their demonstrations," she said. The fear "will evaporate ... and that will lead to the expansion of anti-regime activities within Iran."

With a clean bill of health in the West, the Iranian regime "will no longer have the excuse" of acting against an organization deemed terrorist by the United States.

Mujahedeen, protected in Iraq under dictator Saddam Hussein, were disarmed after the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq and are disliked by the new Iraqi government, dominated by Shiite Muslims like those in Iran.

The United States had insisted the MEK's members leave Camp Ashraf, their home in Iraq, as a condition for removal from the terrorist list. All but several hundred militants are now located in Camp Liberty, a former U.S. base outside Baghdad, looking for placement in third countries.

Among those transferred to Camp Liberty were Rajavi's 30-year-old daughter and her 32-year-old son, she said.

A veil of mystery has long surrounded the group, not the least over the whereabouts of its main founder, Massoud Rajavi, who married Maryam and, though not seen since at least 2003, continues as its co-leader.

There has been speculation that he is dead. Rajavi said Friday he is alive but would not say where he is living.


Bradley Klapper contributed to this story from New York.


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Friday 28 September 2012

Iran says it reserves right to retaliate if attacked

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Iran responded to Israel's "red line" for Tehran's nuclear program on Thursday by declaring it was strong enough to defend itself and that it reserved the right to retaliate with full force against any attack.

In a response to a speech at the U.N. General Assembly by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Iran's U.N. mission said Israel had made "baseless and absurd allegations against (its) exclusively peaceful nuclear program."

"While the use, or threat of use, of force under any pretext is a grave violation of the principles of (the) UN Charter and international law, as well as the norms of international relations, the officials of the Israeli regime are so rude (they) on (a) daily basis threaten countries in the region, particularly my country, (with) military attack," Iran said.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran is strong enough to defend itself and reserves its full right to retaliate with full force against any attack," the Iranian mission said in the written statement.

Netanyahu drew his "red line" for Iran's nuclear program on Thursday, despite a U.S. refusal to set an ultimatum, saying Tehran will be on the brink of a nuclear weapon in less than a year.

For nearly 10 years, Britain, France, Germany, the United States, Russia and China have negotiated unsuccessfully with Iran to persuade it to halt its nuclear program in exchange for political and economic incentives.

Iran denies seeking nuclear weapons, saying its atomic program is solely for peaceful purposes such as generating electricity and producing medical isotopes.

(Reporting by Arshad Mohammed, John Irish and Michelle Nichols; Editing by Peter Cooney and Stacey Joyce)


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Thursday 27 September 2012

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Coral hotspots found off US East Coast

A survey of underwater canyons off the U.S. East Coast found a number of previously unknown hotspots for deep-sea corals.

The exploration, the first to look for corals and sponges in the area in decades, is helping researchers develop a computer model to determine where other coral hotspots might be found.

The survey took place over a two-week stretch in July. Researchers aboard the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration's Henry B. Bigelow ship looked for corals in submarine canyons off New Jersey, and connected to Georges Bank, a large elevated area of seafloor about 60 miles (100 kilometers) offshore that stretches as far south as Cape Cod, Mass., and north to Nova Scotia.

"The deep-sea coral and sponge habitats observed in the canyons are not like those found in shallow-water tropical reefs or deep-sea coral habitats in other regions," said Martha Nizinski, chief scientist of the research cruise, in a statement.? "We know very little about the distribution and ecology of corals in the canyons off the Northeast coast. Although our explorations have just begun, we've already increased our knowledge about these deepwater coral habitats a hundred times over."

The researchers took thousands of photographs of the coral using a remotely operated camera towed behind the ship. The corals observed live at depths between 650 and 6,500 feet (200 to 2,000 meters). Although no specimens were collected during this expedition, the thousands of images taken will be analyzed in the coming months to determine what types of coral live there.

  1. Science news from

    1. Take 360-degree tours of the Great Barrier Reef

      Science editor Alan Boyle's blog: Thousands of images from Australia's Great Barrier Reef and other coral locales are being stitched together into an eye-popping array of 360-degree panoramas ? but this project isn't just about pretty pictures.

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    3. A clock to keep time after universe dies
    4. Is the uncertainty principle misunderstood?

More than 70 deepwater canyons, ranging in depth from 330 to 11,500 feet (100 to 3,500 m), exist along the Northeast's continental shelf and slope. Few are well studied, and many are likely home to as yet undiscovered life-forms.

Reach Douglas Main at Follow him on Twitter @Douglas_Main.? Follow OurAmazingPlanet on Twitter @OAPlanet. We're also on? Facebook? and Google+.

? 2012 OurAmazingPlanet. All rights reserved. More from OurAmazingPlanet.


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Wednesday 26 September 2012

Tips That Can Help Improve Your Memory! |

Our memory is something we never want to lose. It is possible to prevent memory loss with a few simple steps. By being educated about memory loss and ways to prevent it, you will save yourself agony later in life. You can never start too early with memory loss prevention. This article will give you plenty of tips on how to prevent memory loss.

Link bits of information together in your mind by constructing a memory chain to facilitate learning. Finding things about the information you?re trying to memorize that logically go together can help you make the association and recall it. On the other hand, sometimes it?s equally helpful to think of things that are illogical associations. For instance, the chemical elements of the periodic table can be memorized by finding different meanings for their acronyms. These sorts of odd connections are memorable because of how odd they are.

When studying, be sure to put the entirety of your focus on the information at hand. Information that is learned must be transferred to long-term memory if it is to be recalled for more than a few seconds. You won?t be able to store anything in your long term memory unless you?re completely focused.

Fish oil can help your memory. A lack of any good Omega-3 source in your diet can easily lead to memory issues. The easiest way to include it in your diet is by taking a pill.

Stress can cause forgetfulness. When you?re attempting to recall where you placed something, try to relax. Do not get upset or frustrated: leave yourself enough time to remember.

Laughing and enjoying yourself has been shown to strengthen your brain and make storing memories that much easier. By hearing jokes and figuring out brain teasers and punch lines, you are activating the same areas in your brain that are in charge of creativity and learning. Do not be afraid to laugh, tell some jokes and let others in on your new found secret memory weapon, laughter.

Few things are more exasperating than grasping at straws as you try to remember an important idea. By clearing your mind, only for a minute, you may have an easier time recalling this memory. Sit down in a quiet place and take a few deep breaths while your mind clears. After a moment, try to remember what it was you could not bring to mind.

Repeat items that you are trying to remember aloud. When you learn something simple like someone?s name, say it out loud. Repeating the information aloud reinforces the information you just learned, making it easier to remember later. Find a way to sneak your repeat of the information into casual conversation, it does not need to be obvious you are practicing a memory trick.

You must drink water every day. Your brain is mostly made of water, and if your brain begins to be dehydrated, you are going to feel fatigued and your brain function will begin to decrease. It can be hard to remember both long term and short term events. Drink at least eight glasses of water every day.

In conclusion, there are ways to prevent and treat memory loss. If you turn these tips into daily habits, you can age without suffering from memory loss and improve your current memory skills. There is no such thing as a bad time to exercise your brain or memory. Every little bit can help, just like with physical exercise.

More information about memory techniques.


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The Face of Indefinite Detention ? E-Flyer Site

BEFORE he died on Sept. 8, Adnan Farhan Abdul Latif had spent close to 4,000 days and nights in the American prison at Guant?namo Bay, Cuba. He was found unconscious, alone in his cell, thousands of miles from home and family in Yemen.

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Eleven years ago, he found himself in Afghanistan at the wrong place and the wrong time. It was an unusual set of events that took him there. Years earlier Mr. Latif had been badly injured in a car accident in Yemen. His skull was fractured; his hearing never quite recovered. He traveled to Jordan, seeking medical treatment at a hospital in Amman; then, following the promise of free medical care from a man he met there, journeyed to Pakistan, and eventually to Afghanistan.

Like so many men still imprisoned at Guant?namo, Mr. Latif was fleeing American bombing ? not fighting ? when he was apprehended by the Pakistani police near the Afghan border and turned over to the United States military. It was at a time when the United States was paying substantial bounties for prisoners. Mr. Latif, a stranger in a strange land, fit the bill. He was never charged with a crime.

The United States government claims the legal authority to hold men like Mr. Latif until the ?war on terror? ends, which is to say, forever. Setting aside this troubling legal proposition, his death and the despair he endured in the years preceding it remind us of the toll Guant?namo takes on human beings.

Adnan Latif is the human face of indefinite detention.

In the landmark 2008 case Boumediene v. Bush, the Supreme Court ruled that Guant?namo detainees were entitled to ?meaningful judicial review? of the legality of their detentions, via the writ of habeas corpus ? a constitutional check obligating the government to demonstrate a sufficient factual and legal basis for imprisoning someone. The Boumediene decision, in principle, ought to have given hope to Mr. Latif and men like him.

And it was under such principle that two years later, a United States District Court judge hearing Mr. Latif?s habeas corpus petition ordered him released, ruling that the accusations against him were ?unconvincing? and that his detention was ?not lawful.? By that time, Mr. Latif had been cleared for release from Guant?namo on three separate occasions, including in 2009 by the Obama administration?s multiagency Guant?namo Review Task Force.

Nevertheless, the Department of Justice appealed the district court?s decision to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ? which has ruled in the government?s favor in nearly every habeas corpus appeal it has heard. The appellate court reversed the trial judge?s release order, effectively ruling that evidence against detainees must be presumed accurate and authentic if the government claims it is.

A strong dissenting opinion criticized the appellate court majority for not just ?moving the goal posts,? but also calling ?the game in the government?s favor.?

But Mr. Latif didn?t see it as a game. He was dying inside. Like other men, he had been on a hunger strike to protest his detention. After losing the appeal of his case, he told his lawyer, ?I am a prisoner of death.?

Three months ago, the Supreme Court declined to hear the appeals of Mr. Latif and six other detainees, who pleaded for the court to restore its promise of meaningful review of their cases.

But what is unsaid in all of the court rulings is that Mr. Latif was imprisoned not by evidence of wrongdoing, but by accident of birth. In Guant?namo?s contorted system of justice, the decision to detain him indefinitely turned on his citizenship, not on his conduct.

With Mr. Latif?s death, there are now 56 Yemenis who have been cleared for release by the Guant?namo Review Task Force since 2009 but who remain in prison. President Obama, citing general security concerns, has imposed a moratorium on any and all transfers to Yemen, regardless of age, innocence or infirmity.

It is fair, and regrettable, to assume that some of these detainees will die there as well.

Mr. Latif, after all, was the ninth man to die at Guant?namo. More men have died in the prison camp than have been convicted by a civilian court (one) or by the military commissions system in Guant?namo (six). In 2006, Salah al-Salami, a Yemeni, and Yasser al-Zahrani and Mani al-Utaybi, both Saudis, were the first men to die at Guant?namo. Their deaths were called suicides, even though soldiers stationed at the base at the time have raised serious questions about the plausibility of the Defense Department?s account. (Full disclosure: the Center for Constitutional Rights represents the families of two of the men who died.)

According to the government, three more detainees committed suicide and two others died of natural causes. There has been no independent investigation into any of the deaths, however; there has been no accountability for a range of constitutional and human rights violations at Guant?namo.

The government has not yet identified the cause of Mr. Latif?s death, but it is Guant?namo that killed him. Whether because of despair, suicide or natural causes, death has become an inevitable consequence of our politically driven failure to close the prison ? a natural byproduct of the torment and uncertainty indefinite detention inflicts on human beings.

The case of Adnan Latif should compel us to confront honestly the human toll of the Guant?namo prison ? now approaching its 12th year in operation. We can start this reckoning by releasing the 86 other men at Guant?namo who the United States government has concluded no longer deserve to be jailed there.

Baher Azmy is the legal director of the Center for Constitutional Rights.


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Value Of Garage Space vs. Laundry Space In The South -


Q: My husband and I recently moved to Augusta, GA and are looking to purchase our first home. We are likely to be moving out of the area in 5-7 years though, so resale value will be equally important to the home?s function. Ideally, I would love to have a large laundry room with at least enough room for washer, dryer, laundry sink, and area to fold clothes. However, it seems no matter how big the house is, the laundry areas are seldom bigger than a closet. New construction is booming here and is surprisingly affordable, so I?m thinking we could work with a builder to create said space. My thought is to take one of the available ready-to-build floorplans and, in place of a 2-car garage, create a one car garage and a large laundry room. That way the laundry area would be between the kitchen and garage and would multifunction as mudroom, laundry, craft room, and extra pantry storage. My question is would this hurt resale value? I know most people in the area don?t park in their garage and simply use it for storage. We honestly could live without one completely. However, most new homes have a two-car garage and I don?t know if buyers will appreciate the tradeoff. It might be important to note, that I would pursue a floorplan with a side entry garage/driveway, so the change from a 2 to 1-car garage won?t affect the facade of the house. I?d consider extending the garage to have both the large laundry area and a two-car garage, but I fear modifying the floorplan that much would cause costs to skyrocket, especially when trying to make the extra jut-out of space aesthetically pleasing. Perhaps I could do the one-car garage and add a nice carport that connected the garage and back patio? This would then double as parking or extra covered patio space depending on how the buyer chose to use it. What is your advice in terms of resale value and appeal to future buyers? Thanks so much for any help you can give!
?Anonymous, Augusta, GA

A: Instead of taking a 2-car down to a 1-car, try finding a semi custom or custom home builder than can ?bump out? the garage to create a 4 or 6 foot by 20 foot extension across the width of the garage and then custom build the new larger laundry room there. This would actually increase your resale value, instead of reducing it by taking a 2-car to a 1-car, and give you the larger laundry room for not a lot of money.
Lou Sansevero is a Realtor? with Atchley International Realty in Lakewood Ranch, FL.

A: Thinking of your future buyer, do you want to please Mrs. Buyer or Mr. Buyer? She might appreciate the laundry and he the garage. The laundry will add to your square footage of living area since it will be under air. My experience has taught me, though, that the 2-car garage, however unused it may become, is initially sought by buyers. Sort of like that jetted tub that is prized by buyers until Mrs. Buyer goes to clean it. If you come across that buyer who is particular about his car and needs to house it indoors, why lose him? My advice would be to make the most of a small laundry and keep your home salable in a 5-7 year turnaround.
Jackie Davis is a Realtor? with American Realty & Inv., ERA in Inverness, FL.

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Tuesday 25 September 2012

18 Creative Content Marketing Ideas for Your Online Business

Content marketing is turning out to be one of the most sought after ways to promote your business on the Internet. If you look around, you?ll find that most of the successful web businesses are using content marketing to spread the word about their product or service. It?s also a great way to educate your prospects about your niche and get them involved.

However, in order to make content marketing work for you, it?s important that you focus on delivering your content creatively. In other words, the content that you?re using for marketing should be valuable and at the same time be engaging enough.

The following article talks about eighteen content marketing ideas that you can use right now to grow your online business and take it to the next level:

1) Create a free e-course educating people about your niche. You can deliver this e-course via email or you can also create a dedicated member?s only area where you share the lessons. Since people like e-courses, they?ll find your offer appealing in more than one way.

2) Convert your 15-20 most popular blog posts into a free report and offer it for download for your visitors. Compiling your blog posts into a useful PDF report can help you in bringing in more traffic when it spreads around and also helps you in building your brand.

3) Find some popular blogs within your niche and spend a few minutes every day commenting on their blog posts. This not only helps you build a strong relationship with other bloggers, but also helps you get more exposure and also grow your brand/build an authority.

4) It doesn?t matter if you?re selling a product or a service, you can always create a buying guide for your prospects. This guide can include specific information about your product, how it can be used and any other ideas that makes your offer more appealing.

5) Twitter is becoming a hot business hub where you can make great contacts and also get more exposure to your company. One way to tap into Twitter is to start a niche specific Twitter chat where similar minded professionals from your industry can hold discussions. You can even invite other guests to co-host the chat with you.

6) Start a blog series that is highly informative and teaches your target audience something they really want to learn. This gives you an opportunity to not only attract relevant traffic, but also display your expertise in your chosen field.

7) Begin publishing an email newsletter that goes out every month or every two weeks. Newsletters are a great way to connect to your audience and at the same time deliver consistent value through useful content. Your newsletter can help you build better relationships with your subscribers.

8) Conduct video interviews with influential people in your industry. This video content can be used to demonstrate your authority and as well as deliver real value to your target audience. It?s also an simple way to build relationships with the influencers.

9) Do a podcast on a specific topic that you feel needs to be addressed. Make sure the topic you choose is something that your audience can connect with. It would be better if it helps solve a problem or answers important questions.

10) Write high quality guest posts for authority blogs within your niche. Guest posting is one of the most effective ways to get the word out about your website, attract targeted attention from your audience and in the process build your brand.

11) Create and promote case studies for your site since your prospects will find it useful in terms of understanding your products or services. Social proof is what people are looking for these days, and you can provide them this proof with your case studies.

12) Host a monthly or a weekly Google+ hangout where you share valuable information on current topics and discuss sensitive issues related to your niche. This is an effective way to disperse useful content to your audience since it?s not only interactive but also educative.

13) Create and give away complete ebooks that teach the ins and outs of your niche. Take your readers towards a solution in a step by step manner. Show them how they can apply different techniques or tactics to get real world results.

14) Partner up with other business owners within your niche and hold a joint webinar. In the webinar can take the participants through a sort of a tutorial or just create presell content for your product or service. Webinars have a high perceived value, which is why they work so well.

15) Write a white paper focused on a targeted issue within your industry, how it?s affecting, and what you have to say about it. If possible, get other experts on board to get their view and include them in the whitepaper.

16) Have other known experts within your niche guest blog on your blog. Get in touch with them and let them know the benefits they will derive from guest blogging for you, such as brand building, increased exposure, etc. Make a clear offer to them and if needed get them on Skype to further your conversation and convince them to contribute to your blog.

17) Produce a high quality infographic that reveals some really interesting facts about your industry. Get this infographic designed by a professional firm rather than doing it yourself. Communicate your ideas to the designer clearly so that your infographic not only stands out of the crowd but also delivers real value.

18) Publish a controversial manifesto because it?s a fact that controversial content gets read and spread. You?ll attract both sides of the crowd: one which agrees with you and takes your side ? the other which disagrees and holds a debate. In both the cases, you are getting the attention of your target audience and grabbing more eyeballs.

In conclusion, regardless of what your online marketing goals are, by adding well designed and tailored content to your marketing mix can take your web business to the next level. So never ignore the power of content marketing.

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Web Design ? Boost Up Internet Business | Studio 39

A website could make or break your business. How you design and maintain your internet site can determine the prosperity of your online business to a degree. There are so many elements in a website, which when altered, can completely change the visibility of your web site. When you launch your own website, you must ensure it ranks on the first page regarding popular search engines. Nicely, let us face it; for many people, if it is not on the initial page, it does not are present. So, you need to have a few tricks up your sleeve to improve your website visitors. Pay utmost awareness of web design.

You should have the money needed to invest in a new web page design. If you do not have sufficient fund try working with free web design software?s. Having a little knowledge about HTML is very important if you are designing your personal website. This also provides you with the control of this article of your site. Do not compromise on the buyer privacy while creating a website. Your customers should be assured that the website they are visiting is actually 100% safe. Check with your internet hosting company about the security features it provides.

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If most of these seem like too much of work, turn to a professional web design company. You will be provided with plenty of webpage design choices before you can choose the design and layout of your website. But, selecting the correct designer or company is important. The company really should have some experience in the field. Starting a site is not a super easy job; especially if it is a large company. In other words, the web design firm you select should be done keeping in mind the type of website you want.

Nominee list some of the best professional web design firms. You need to spend a lot of attention to the actual reputation a certain firm holds. Consumer reports will be available online. You will have client comments plus details about the services provided. On the website of the layout firm you will get particulars on their past careers and other related information. This will help you make up your mind about which company to hire to design your internet site.

When you brief your own web design requirements to the custom, make sure you have certain things in mind. The product as well as the market you are targeting is highly recommended. The website should entice the target audience. Consumers should find it incredibly easy to navigate your web site. The client should not be baffled by where or how to get your product. They should be easily able to reach the web page of their choice. Create past client testimonails from others on your website. And do not forget to add any ?contact us? page. That adds credibility to your business and also separates your website from hundreds of hoax internet sites. Once your website was made, make sure you make the most out of it. Last but not minimal; make sure you deliver what you promise.

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intelligent tuck: Arts and Entertainment: Birthstone Origins: Stranger ...

In the Old Testament, the book of Exodus tells the story of the Breastplate of Aaron, used in religious ceremonies. (Aaronjust in case you were absent from Sunday school that daywas the Biblical figure who performed, at Moses' direction, the miracles that confounded Pharaoh and his magicians.)

Aaron's breastplate was adorned with four rows of Gemstones, three Gemstones in each row, in the following pattern: Sardius, Topaz, carbuncle; Emerald, sapphire, Diamond; ligure, agate, amethyst; beryl, onyx, jasper. These twelve Gemstones represented the twelve tribes of Israel. The twelve positions were later co-opted by astologers who linked them to the twelve months of the calendar year and the twelve signs of the zodiac.

The Traditional Birthstone List contains these older Birthstones and represents Birthstone traditions heralding back to the 15th century. The Modern Birthstone List was created by the National Association of Jewelers in 1912 in Kansas City, Missouri. Gemstone purists complained that the NAJ list was devised solely for commercial purposes (they probably didn't believe in Santa Claus either!). As a result, astrologers who prescribed Gems often substituted alternate or secondary stones. The Mystical Birthstone list below originated in from Tibet over a thousand years ago. The Ayurvedic Birthstone list is derived from age-old Ayurvedic Indian Medicine, a practice of native people for more than a century.

Month Modern Traditional MysticalAyurverdic

January Garnet Garnet EmeraldGarnet

February Amethyst Amethyst AmethystBloodstone

March Aquamarine Bloodstone Jade Bloodstone

April Diamond Diamond Opal Quartz

May Emerald Emerald SapphireAgate

June Pearl Alexandrite MoonstonePearl

July Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby

August Peridot Sardonyx DiamondSapphire

Sept. Sapphire Sapphire Agate Lapis Lazuli

October Opal Tourmaline TourmalineJasper

November Yellow Topaz CitrineCitrinePearl

December Turquoise Lapis Lazuli Onyx Ruby

Astrolog ically speaking, your place on the Zodiac is more meaningful than your birth month for tapping into your power, which has led to the creation of the following list of Star Stones related to the star under which you were born, rather than the day.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) - Ruby, Agate, Garnet

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) - Garnet, Moss Agate, Opal, Amethyst,

Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20) - Rock Crystal, Sapphire, Amethyst, Bloodstone

Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19) - Bloodstone, Diamond

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) - Sapphire, Turquoise, Amber, Blood Coral, Emerald

Gemini (May 21-Jun. 20) - Agate, Chrysoprase, Pearl

Cancer (Jun. 21-Jul. 22) - Emerald, Moonstone, Pearl, Ruby

Leo (Jul. 23-Aug. 22) - Tourmaline, Sardonyx, Onyx

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) - Jasper, Carnelian, Jade, Sa pphire

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) - Opal, Lapis Lazuli, Peridot

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) - Aquamarine, Topaz

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) - Sapphire, Amethyst, Turquoise, Topaz

So whether you choose an Emerald from the Breastplate of Aaron, a moonstone from Tibet's mystical Birthstone list, an Opal for its ayurvedic Birthstone properties, or your very own star sign representativemay the force (of the Birthstone) be with you!

Learn How To Buy Jewelry And Gemstones Without Being Ripped Off. This informative Special Report reveals little-known facts and insider trade secrets that many jewelers would prefer you didnt know. To get your FREE copy please go to

Author:: Sam Serio
Keywords:: Aquamarine, Diamond, Emerald, Pearl, Ruby, Peridot, Opa l, Topaz, Turquoise, Birthstone, Jewelry, Gem
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Monday 24 September 2012

Secrets in small blood vessels could reveal the risks of heart disease and diabetes

Secrets in small blood vessels could reveal the risks of heart disease and diabetes [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 24-Sep-2012
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Contact: Becky Attwood
University of Southampton

Researchers at the University of Southampton together with colleagues at King's College London have embarked on a unique study that will shed new light on the risk of heart disease and diabetes in later life.

A healthy diet for pregnant women is important for the health of the baby. Having a poor diet in pregnancy, such as one that is too high in fat, may cause problems in the offspring's later life. However, the exact mechanisms controlling the effect of diet during pregnancy on the long-term health of children are not well understood.

While other studies have investigated the impact of a mother's diet on the function of large blood vessels in her offspring, this study, led by Geraldine Clough, Professor of Vascular Physiology at the University of Southampton, is breaking new ground. By studying adult mouse offspring the researchers set out to investigate the effects of a high fat diet during a woman's pregnancy on the networks of small blood vessels - called the microcirculation and to establish whether these networks are susceptible to damage from a poor maternal diet.

Professor Clough explains: "These small blood vessels, which are ten times smaller than a human hair, provide vital organs such as the heart, brain and muscles with important nutrients and oxygen. They are known to be altered in adult diseases such as obesity and diabetes but it is not known how they are influenced by maternal diet and so this work will give further insight into how an adverse high fat diet during pregnancy can increase the risk of adult disease in offspring.

"Secondly, since this microcirculation can be easily (and non-invasively) measured in humans then our study will inform us about how we can better use such measurements to give improved advice to children, mothers and women of child bearing age."

The study is being funded by the British Heart Foundation.

Dr Shannon Amoils, Research Advisor at the BHF, comments: "We're very pleased to announce this new research award of more than 100,000, which will help us gain a greater insight into how a child's health can be affected by their mother's diet during pregnancy.

"We know that if a mother eats a healthy diet during pregnancy, the benefits for her child can continue even into adulthood and middle age. This research in mice is looking at how the function of small blood vessels is affected by a poor maternal diet. This could help explain how eating poorly in pregnancy increases the risk of cardiovascular and metabolic disease, like high blood pressure and diabetes, in the offspring in later life."


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Secrets in small blood vessels could reveal the risks of heart disease and diabetes [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 24-Sep-2012
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Contact: Becky Attwood
University of Southampton

Researchers at the University of Southampton together with colleagues at King's College London have embarked on a unique study that will shed new light on the risk of heart disease and diabetes in later life.

A healthy diet for pregnant women is important for the health of the baby. Having a poor diet in pregnancy, such as one that is too high in fat, may cause problems in the offspring's later life. However, the exact mechanisms controlling the effect of diet during pregnancy on the long-term health of children are not well understood.

While other studies have investigated the impact of a mother's diet on the function of large blood vessels in her offspring, this study, led by Geraldine Clough, Professor of Vascular Physiology at the University of Southampton, is breaking new ground. By studying adult mouse offspring the researchers set out to investigate the effects of a high fat diet during a woman's pregnancy on the networks of small blood vessels - called the microcirculation and to establish whether these networks are susceptible to damage from a poor maternal diet.

Professor Clough explains: "These small blood vessels, which are ten times smaller than a human hair, provide vital organs such as the heart, brain and muscles with important nutrients and oxygen. They are known to be altered in adult diseases such as obesity and diabetes but it is not known how they are influenced by maternal diet and so this work will give further insight into how an adverse high fat diet during pregnancy can increase the risk of adult disease in offspring.

"Secondly, since this microcirculation can be easily (and non-invasively) measured in humans then our study will inform us about how we can better use such measurements to give improved advice to children, mothers and women of child bearing age."

The study is being funded by the British Heart Foundation.

Dr Shannon Amoils, Research Advisor at the BHF, comments: "We're very pleased to announce this new research award of more than 100,000, which will help us gain a greater insight into how a child's health can be affected by their mother's diet during pregnancy.

"We know that if a mother eats a healthy diet during pregnancy, the benefits for her child can continue even into adulthood and middle age. This research in mice is looking at how the function of small blood vessels is affected by a poor maternal diet. This could help explain how eating poorly in pregnancy increases the risk of cardiovascular and metabolic disease, like high blood pressure and diabetes, in the offspring in later life."


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Snedeker pulls away to win FedEx Cup

Brandt Snedeker reacts after sinking his putt on the 18th hole to win the Tour Championship golf tournament and the FedEx Cup, Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

Brandt Snedeker reacts after sinking his putt on the 18th hole to win the Tour Championship golf tournament and the FedEx Cup, Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

Brandt Snedeker reacts after winning the Tour Championship golf tournament and the FedEx Cup in Atlanta, Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

Brandt Snedeker reacts after sinking his putt on the 17th hole during the final round of the Tour Championship golf tournament on Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

Brandt Snedeker waves to the crowd after winning the Tour Championship golf tournament and the FedEx Cup, Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

Brandt Snedeker acknowledges applause from the crowd after sinking a putt on the fourth hole during the final round of the Tour Championship golf tournament, Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

(AP) ? With the biggest round of his career, Brandt Snedeker won something far more valuable than money Sunday.

He proved to himself he could beat the best in the world.

Snedeker knew his best chance to be the FedEx Cup champion was to win the Tour Championship, no simple task with East Lake as tough as ever and Rory McIlroy and Tiger Woods going after the same prize.

Snedeker was the only player in the last five groups to break par.

He answered the final challenge with three big birdies on the back nine, building such a big lead that his final tee shot sailed into the grandstands to the left of the 18th green and it didn't even matter. Snedeker still closed with a 2-under 68 for a three-shot win in the Tour Championship, and a $10 million bonus for winning the FedEx Cup.

But this was never about money.

"I think it solidifies what I already know," Snedeker said. "I think when I play my best golf, my best golf is some of the best in the world. I've never had more confidence in myself than I have the last five weeks, and I made sure that I kept telling myself that all day. I am one of the best players in the world. This is supposed to happen. It's OK to feel nervous, and no matter what I feel today, everybody else in the field feels exactly the same way I do.

"So go out there and get it done. I did a great job of that."

McIlroy, the best player in golf this year and the No. 1 seed going into the Tour Championship, faded early by dropping four shots in a four-hole span on the front nine. So did Woods, who already was 3 over on his round before making his first birdie on the par-5 ninth.

Snedeker wound up with a three-shot victory over Justin Rose (71) to win the Tour Championship, his second win this year and a trophy that came with $1.44 million. Add the $10 million bonus from the FedEx Cup, and it's the richest payoff in golf.

Big deal.

The 31-year-old from Nashville, Tenn., calls that kind of money "crazy talk ... like winning the lottery." Far greater perspective came from a 30-minute hospital visit Sunday morning with Tucker Anderson, the son of his swing coach who was critically injured in a car accident and is in a responsive coma.

"I asked him if he thought I was going to beat Rory McIlroy, and he gave me a wink," Snedeker said.

He beat McIlroy out of the FedEx Cup, and everyone else in his way at East Lake. Ryan Moore was tied for the lead with birdies on the 14th and 15th holes, only to make bogey on the last three holes for a 70 to tie for third with Luke Donald (67).

McIlroy had won the last two playoff events and three of his last four tournaments dating to his record eight-shot win at the PGA Championship. He still is virtually a lock to be voted PGA Tour player of the year, but he had to settle for second place ? and a $3 million bonus ? in the FedEx Cup.

And so ends the most successful year yet in the FedEx Cup ? four wildly entertaining playoff events packed with the biggest names, even if the No. 1 player in the world wound up at No. 2.

"I'm a little disappointed, but at the same time, Brandt really deserves to win," McIlroy said. "He played the best golf out of anyone. He knew what he needed to do. He needed to come in here and win. He controlled his own destiny, just like I did. And he was able to come and do that. So because of that, he really deserves it."

How can Snedeker explain winning the FedEx Cup over a player who won twice during the playoffs?

"Life is all about timing," he said, grinning.

Snedeker, who finished on 10-under 270, won for the fourth time in his career and moved into the top 10 in the world for the first time.

It also was his first time winning with a share of the lead going into the last day. In his previous three wins, he came from five shots, six shots and seven shots behind, the latter at Torrey Pines this year.

That's what made Sunday feel more valuable than the cash. That's what he takes to the Ryder Cup next week at Medinah, where no one can question why U.S. captain Davis Love III picked him for the team.

"I'm a lot better under pressure than I gave myself credit for," Snedeker said. "I learned that over the last four weeks. I've had a lot of pressure the last four weeks and a bunch of different stuff going on in my life. To be able to focus in and do what I did was pretty impressive."

Snedeker joins Woods (twice), Vijay Singh, Jim Furyk and Bill Haas as winners of the FedEx Cup in its six-year history.

It was an emotional week in so many ways for Snedeker, already a high-strung personality. His father, Larry, flew in to watch final round at East Lake, only the second tournament he has attended since having a liver transplant last year. And then came the visit with Tucker.

"It just made me realize ... as much as I made today out be important, how unimportant it really is," he said. "It got me focused on the small stuff, which I did a great job of doing today."

But he delivered some big shots ? a 40-foot birdie putt on No. 8, just two holes after he dumped his tee shot into the water on the par-3 sixth and made double bogey; the 18-foot birdie putt on No. 13 that gave him momentum on the back nine; and a chip-in for birdie from short of the 17th green that effectively clinched it.

"I had complete confidence in what I was doing," Snedeker said.

Rose was within one shot on the back nine, but he never caught up after Snedeker's big birdie on the 13th. Rose will look back on the final round and regret a series of missed putts, mostly for birdies and one for par, all of them costly. He missed four putts inside 10 feet.

"He's mentally tough, Brandt," Rose said. "It's kind of a different pressure, playing for $10 million. It gets in your head more than other golf tournaments. Other golf tournaments, it's more routine. But this week, it's not routine. We talk about it all year long, and suddenly you have to walk the walk. And he did a great job of that today."

Snedeker, McIlroy and Woods were separated by four shots going into the final round. All any of them had to do was win to capture the FedEx Cup.

Woods, who was four shots behind, was the first to leave the picture. He missed the first fairway with a 3-wood and made bogey, hit into the water on the par-3 sixth hole and was never a factor the rest of the way. He birdied the last hole for a 72 and finished eight shots behind in a tie for eighth.

"I just didn't have it this weekend," Woods said.

McIlroy, three off the lead, also came undone early. He had 11 consecutive rounds in the 60s during the FedEx Cup playoff, but with a strong breeze and a fierce golf course, that was bound to end. He sped the process along by getting caught up in the rough on No. 4 for bogey, hitting into the water on the sixth for double bogey, and driving into a bunker on the next hole for yet another bogey. He shot a 74 to finish nine strokes back.

The toughest part for Snedeker is figuring out what to do with such a windfall. The only thing he has ever splurged on was his home in Nashville, which he said was "not grandiose." He still drives the SUV he bought when he first joined the PGA Tour in 2006.

"I'm not by any means a flashy guy," he said. "Of anybody that I know, I do not need $11 million. So there are going to be things we can do to really help people. So that's the way I look at it. This is unbelievable to be financially stable for the rest of my career. As long as I'm not an idiot, I should be fine, really. I really think we can make a difference and help a lot of people out in Nashville and Tennessee and the surrounding areas."

Associated Press


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