Monday 31 October 2011

Japan intervenes to tame yen ahead of G20 (Reuters)

TOKYO (Reuters) ? Japan sold the yen for the second time in less than three months after it hit another record high against the dollar on Monday, saying it intervened to counter speculative moves that were hurting the economy.

Finance Minister Jun Azumi said Tokyo stepped into the market on its own at 10:25 a.m. local time (9:25 p.m. EDT) and would continue to intervene until it was satisfied with the results.

Tokyo's latest foray into currency markets followed weeks of warnings that its patience with the yen's strength was wearing thin, and came just days before the Group of 20 leaders' summit in Cannes, France.

The summit will focus on Europe's efforts to contain its sovereign debt crisis and avoid a repeat of the financial shock that roiled markets after the Lehman Brothers collapse in 2008.

But Tokyo is keen to win G20 understanding that a strong yen is one challenge too many for an economy grappling with a nuclear crisis, a $250 billion rebuilding effort from a March earthquake and tsunami and ballooning public debt.

Japan also argues that the yen is sought by investors worried by the euro zone debt crisis and stuttering U.S. growth and the demand has nothing to do with the fragile health of the Japanese economy.

The dollar vaulted more than 4 percent past 79 yen, from around 75.65 yen, after Tokyo began selling its currency. The dollar had touched a record low of 75.31 yen earlier on Monday.

"I have repeatedly said that we would take decisive steps against speculative moves in the market," Azumi told a news conference. "Unfortunately it (the market) has not reflected our economic fundamentals at all."

Azumi said that while Monday's intervention was a solo act he was in a continuous contact with his international counterparts.

"I have been frequently in contact (with other countries) ... I have always conveyed Japan's stance and interests at senior official levels," he said.

Several G20 nations, including South Korea and Indonesia, have been intervening regularly in currency markets, but Japan is under more scrutiny as an issuer of one of three global currencies and does not want to be deemed a currency manipulator.

Following a G20 finance leaders' meeting earlier this month Azumi said the group's statement highlighting adverse effects of excessive currency swings reflected Japan's concerns.


He would not comment on the size of the intervention, but one trader said the authorities were intervening "quite persistently."

"My sense is that they might not quit very easily," a trader said.

The dollar remained nailed near 79.20 yen for more than an hour after the intervention due to a large bid at that level, prompting traders to speculate that Japan might want to set a Swiss-style floor for the dollar/yen.

However, Japanese officials said at the time of the Swiss Central Bank intervention in September to set a floor for the euro that the Japanese economy was too big for such a tactic, and dealers said Tokyo was unlikely to peg the yen to any particular level in the longer run.

If the dollar held around 79.20 -- its highest since August 5 -- it would be its biggest one-day percentage gain since October 2008, bigger than that following Tokyo's joint intervention with Group of Seven nations in the aftermath of the March 11 disaster.

This week's action follows a record 4.5 trillion yen ($59 billion) single-day selling intervention on August 4, which the Bank of Japan followed up with monetary policy easing.

Even though the yen's exchange rate when measured against a trade-weighted basket of currencies and adjusted for inflation is not far from its 30-year average, its rate against the dollar is much stronger than those assumed by Japanese exporters in their earnings projections.

That has led to a flurry of warnings from leading companies that they might have no choice but to move more production abroad to cope.

Chipmaker Elpida warned it might have to move production abroad and Honda's chief executive said earlier this month that the company would half exports from Japan over the next decade because of the strong yen.

Last Thursday, acting in part out of concern that such "hollowing out" of the industry could derail Japan's recovery, the Bank of Japan eased its monetary policy by boosting government bond purchases.

Japan's economy has been recovering from the March 11 disaster that pushed it into its second recession in three years, with companies swiftly restoring production and supply chains.

Policymakers have counted on reconstruction spending and robust demand from emerging markets to sustain the momentum, but the yen's pressure on exporters' earnings and slowing global growth spurred them to act.

Yunosuke Ikeda, senior FX strategist at Nomura Securities, said last week's central bank easing and Monday's intervention could be an effective combination.

"It was very good timing. The BOJ has prepared the ground by easing last week. Speculators' yen-buying position has piled up, and intervention is most effective in such cases," Ikeda said.

Strategists were split, however, on how long the effect of the intervention would last. While Ikeda thought Monday's action could keep the yen away from its peaks for quite some time, others were more skeptical.

"The effect of intervention is likely to be temporary but the authorities probably had to make a show of strength," said Takafumi Yamawaki, chief fixed income strategist at JPMorgan Securities in Tokyo.

"The dollar/yen exchange rate is politically significant so they had to make an impact on the pair in one form or another, although intervening won't have much effect on the real economy."

Since September 2010, Japan has now intervened three times on its own and once jointly with other G7 rich nations to weaken the yen. But the effects of past intervention have proved fleeting in the face of steady demand from nervous investors seeking highly liquid and relatively safe assets such as Japanese government bonds.

($1 = 75.760 Japanese Yen)

(Additional reporting by Kaori Kaneko and Hideyuki Sano; Writing by Tomasz Janowski; Editing by Neil Fullick and Alex Richardson)


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Marc Benioff Wants To #OccupyTheEnterprise

Salesforce founder and CEO Marc Benioff has a knack for taking what is happening on the consumer web and applying it to business. He even spins #OccupyWallStreet as a something businesses should learn from and emulate. He makes his case in the video above, which I shot yesterday in New York with my iPhone (sorry for the bad lighting). His point is that if protesters can use Twitter and Facebook to #OccupyOakland, why can't companies use the same social tools to organize themselves and motivate their customers? "Facebook is really eating the Web," he says, echoing Marc Andreessen's notion of software eating the world. Benioff points to the fact that people are spending 4 hours a day on the social network.


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Saturday 29 October 2011

Jackson doctor's defense case drawing to a close (AP)

LOS ANGELES ? The defense of the doctor charged in Michael Jackson's death will shift Thursday away from personality to the science that his attorneys hope will prevent the physician from being convicted.

The final witnesses testifying for Dr. Conrad Murray will be fellow doctors, one an expert in addiction and the other in the powerful anesthetic that the Houston-based cardiologist was giving Jackson as a sleep aid.

Their testimony could make the difference in whether Murray is convicted or acquitted of involuntary manslaughter in connection with Jackson's June 2009 death. Authorities contend Murray gave Jackson a fatal dose of propofol and botched resuscitation efforts.

Murray's attorneys contend Jackson gave himself the fatal dose of propofol when his doctor left the room, but have not yet shown evidence about how that theory is even possible. Several prosecution experts have said the self-administration defense was improbable and a key expert said he ruled it out completely, arguing the more likely scenario is that Murray gave Jackson a much higher dose than he has admitted.

The scientific testimony of Dr. Robert Waldman and Dr. Paul White comes a day after jurors heard from five of Murray's one-time patients, who described the cardiologist as a caring physician who performed procedures for free and spent hours getting to know them. When Ruby Mosley described Murray's work at a clinic he founded in a poor neighborhood in Houston in memory of his father, tears welled up in the eyes of the normally stoic doctor-turned-defendant.

Waldman is an addiction expert who may try to bolster the defense theory that Jackson had become dependent on propofol to sleep and was driven to self-administer it when Murray left his bedside.

It will be up to White to explain whether that was possible. He sat in court throughout the testimony of prosecution propofol expert Dr. Steven Shafer, at times shaking his head and furiously passing notes to defense attorneys. In the courthouse, he has been seen conferring with Murray in the hallway outside the courtroom where the case is being heard.

White and Waldman do not necessarily have to convince jurors that Jackson gave himself the fatal dose, but merely provide them with enough reasonable doubt about the prosecution case against Murray.

While prosecutors have portrayed Murray, 58, as a reckless physician who repeatedly broke the rules by giving Jackson propofol as a sleep aid, jurors heard a different portrait of the doctor on Wednesday.

Several of the character witnesses called described Murray as the best doctor they had ever seen and highlighted his skills at repairing their hearts with stents and other procedures.

"I'm alive today because of that man," said Andrew Guest of Las Vegas, who looked Murray. "That man sitting there is the best doctor I've ever seen."

Another former patient, Gerry Causey, stopped to shake Murray's hand in the courtroom and said the physician was his best friend.

A prosecutor noted that none of them were being treated for sleep issues, although Causey and others said they didn't believe the allegations against Murray.

Defense attorneys have told Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor they expect their case to conclude on Thursday. Pastor has said if that happens, closing arguments would occur next week.


AP Special Correspondent Linda Deutsch contributed to this report.


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Treasurys dive on hopes for Europe crisis plan (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Treasury prices are plunging after a plan to stem the European debt crisis encouraged traders to buy riskier investments.

European leaders agreed early Thursday on a plan to expand their regional bailout fund. Banks agreed to take steep losses on the Greek bonds they hold. The plan postpones fears of a spreading financial crisis and buys the leaders more time to hammer out details.

The price of the 10-year Treasury note fell $1.31 for every $100 invested. That pushed its yield up to 2.36 percent at 1:20 p.m. Eastern time from 2.21 percent late Wednesday.

A Treasury Department auction of $29 billion in seven-year notes drew weak interest. Bids came in lower than market prices for seven-year notes. There were fewer bids than at recent auctions.


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Friday 28 October 2011

Fashion Face-Off: Stacy Keibler vs. Julianne Hough

Warning: the following Fashion Face-Off may cause your computer screen to fog up.

Both Stacy Keibler and Julianne Hough walked the red carpet of last night's Hollywood Film Awards held at The Beverly Hilton hotel in Beverly Hills, California and, somehow, the path under these hotties' feet did not catch on fire.

Keibler was on hand as George Clooney's date, while Hough was there to represent her remake of Footloose. Both looked gorgeous. But only one could look the MOST gorgeous. Vote that individual now:


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Thursday 27 October 2011

Life imitates blog (Unqualified Offerings)

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Four reasons why illegal immigration across the US-Mexico border has dropped (The Christian Science Monitor)

Four reasons why illegal immigration across the US-Mexico border has dropped - Yahoo! News Skip to navigation ? Skip to content ? The Christian Science Monitor By Sara Miller Llana Sara Miller Llana ? Wed?Oct?26, 3:23?pm?ET Follow Yahoo! News on , become a fan on Facebook
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    Wednesday 26 October 2011

    Hope, but not necessarily confidence. Or optimism. (Washington Bureau)

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    Italy's Northern League warns government may fall (Reuters)

    ROME (Reuters) ? Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi faced growing pressure Tuesday over European Union demands for economic reforms with his main coalition partner warning the government could fall over the issue.

    EU leaders, led by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy, have demanded that Berlusconi present firm plans for growth and reducing Italy's massive debt in time for a summit meeting in Brussels Wednesday.

    However an emergency cabinet meeting late Monday ended without agreement after Berlusconi's coalition allies in the Northern League party refused to budge on their opposition to raising the pension age to 67 years.

    Tuesday, as leaders from the coalition parties held a series of meetings in Rome, League leader Umberto Bossi said the disagreement could bring down the government and force early elections.

    "The government is at risk," Bossi told reporters in parliament. "The situation is difficult, very dangerous. This is a dramatic moment," he said.

    Berlusconi, mired in scandal and facing sliding approval ratings, has survived a series of confidence votes this year with the help of the League but analysts widely believe he cannot last much longer, predicting elections next spring.

    Reflecting the potentially explosive danger of the pensions issue, the League's party newspaper La Padania headlined "Final showdown on Pensions. Today is D-Day. No to a rise in the pension age, the League will not take a step back."

    The threat of a government breakdown comes as Italy takes center stage in the euro zone crisis with concerns mounting over its ability to stop a 1.8 trillion euro debt pile sliding out of control and putting the entire bloc at risk.

    Yields on Italian 10-year bonds are just under 6 percent, not far short of levels they reached in August when the European Central Bank stepped in to cap Rome's borrowing costs by buying Italian bonds on the market.


    As ministers scrambled to hammer out a deal in time for the Wednesday deadline, Infrastructure Minister Altero Matteoli said there would be no cabinet meeting but that Berlusconi might still have proposals to take to Brussels.

    "If there is an agreement, the prime minister will take it to Europe. We can pass the provision later," he said.

    Italy depends on ECB support to keep its borrowing costs at manageable levels but Berlusconi has reacted angrily to the pressure from Germany and France, widely seen as a humiliation. He issued a statement Monday declaring that no EU country was in a position to give lessons to its partners.

    The perceived slight, notably at a news conference in Brussels where Merkel and Sarkozy exchanged ironic smiles and laughter following a question about whether they were reassured after meeting Berlusconi, has caused some bitterness in Italy.

    Tuesday, President Giorgio Napolitano called on the government to show a credible commitment to reform but said expressions of mistrust at Italy's engagement were "inappropriate and unpleasant."

    European Commission spokesman Amadeu Altafaj said the Commission had no intention of humiliating Italy but needed details on its reform plans.

    Italy, once seen as safe from the crisis because of its relatively low deficit, a conservative financial system and high private savings, has passed a series of reforms since investors began to turn their fire on its debt in July.

    But it has failed to convince markets worried that the deep divisions in the government will stymie painful reforms aimed at cutting the debt and boosting the stagnant economy.

    Underlining the gloomy state of the economy, data Tuesday showed consumer morale in October fell to its lowest level since July 2008.

    Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti has promised a package of reforms that would open up closed professions, cut red tape and raise revenue though steps such as privatizations and a new wealth tax but the measures have been repeatedly delayed.

    (Additional reporting by Giselda Vagnoni, writing by James Mackenzie, editing by Barry Moody and Jon Boyle)


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    Tuesday 25 October 2011

    'Bottomless pit': US training of Iraqi cops slammed

    A U.S. State Department program to train Iraqi police lacks focus, could become a "bottomless pit" of American money and may not even be wanted by the Iraqi department it's supposed to help, reports released Monday by a U.S. government watchdog show.

    The findings by the U.S. Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction paint what is supposed to be the State Department's flagship program in Iraq in a harsh light.

    The report comes at a crucial time for the State Department as it assumes sole responsibility for securing U.S.-Iraqi ties as American forces leave by the end of this year.

    On Oct. 1, the State Department took over the job of training Iraqi police from the Defense Department. According to the inspector general's report, the training program faces many problems.

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    Only a small portion ? about 12 percent ? of the millions of dollars budgeted will actually go to helping the Iraqi police, the report said. The "vast preponderance of money" will pay for security and other items like living quarters for the people doing the training, the review found.

    Story: Obama: All US troops out of Iraq by end of year

    The audit also said although the State Department has known since 2009 it would be taking over the training program, it failed to develop a comprehensive and detailed plan for the training.

    "Without specific goals, objectives and performance measures, the PDP (Police Development Program) could become a 'bottomless pit' for U.S. dollars intended for mentoring, advising and training the Iraqi police forces," the report stated.

    The oversight agency also found that budget concerns led to the program being significantly downsized.

    In 2009, the State Department agency in charge of the training, the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, estimated it would cost about $721 million to pay for a program with 350 police advisers. That averaged out to about $2.1 million per adviser, said SIGIR.

    But in December 2010, the program was downsized to 190 advisers while costs had increased, the report stated. According to SIGIR calculations, the average cost per adviser jumped to $6.2 million per year.

    By July of this year, the number of advisers had dropped to 115 for what the State Department described as Phase 1 of the program. If its budget request is approved for fiscal year 2012, the program could be beefed up again to 190 advisers, state department officials told the oversight agency.

    Story: Reaction on Iraq withdrawal: 'So many lives have been lost'

    Despite the considerable outlay in U.S. taxpayer money, the Iraqi government has yet to sign off on the program and doesn't seem to want it. The official in the Iraqi Ministry of Interior (MOI) responsible for the ministry's day-to-day operations, Adnan al-Asadi, suggested to SIGIR that the U.S. should spend the money on something for the American people instead.

    "What tangible benefit will Iraqis see from this police training program? With most of the money spent on lodging, security, support, all the MOI gets is a little expertise, and that is if the program materializes. It has yet to start," al-Asadi said.

    The inspector general said the State Department did not fully cooperate with their audit.

    "There were delays in gaining access to key officials and in obtaining documents. Moreover, the documents provided were incomplete," the audit read. One meeting in May was canceled an hour before it was to start because State Department officials needed to additional "Department guidance," SIGIR wrote.

    The U.S. Embassy in Baghdad did not respond to a request for comment.

    Video: Mixed emotions over Iraq announcement (on this page)

    In a letter to SIGIR, the State Department said it "generally agrees" with the report's recommendations but defended its efforts.

    State Department Assistant Secretary William Brownfield wrote that because they were unsure of whether they would get all the money they'd requested, they decided to start with a smaller number of trainers, and they could ramp up to 190 trainers if the money comes through.

    Story: Clinton to Iran: Don't misread departure from Iraq

    Brownfield also said an independent organization was supposed to do a detailed assessment of Iraqi law enforcement capabilities but did not have access to people on the Iraqi side to finish the assessment in time. He said it would be done by November.

    The fact that Iraq still does not have a permanent in interior minister has hampered efforts to come up with an agreement on implementing the training program, Brownfield wrote. But he said the MOI was committed to the program. He also wrote that the State Department hoped to reduce costs in the coming years and to hire more Iraqi support employees.

    Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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    Monday 24 October 2011

    Jens Weidmann, German Central Bank Governor, Says Expanding Euro Bailout Fund Won't Solve Crisis

    BERLIN (Reuters) - Bundesbank president Jens Weidmann said in a newspaper interview released on Saturday that repeatedly expanding the euro zone rescue fund won't resolve the euro zone crisis.

    In an interview with Bild am Sonntag released ahead of publication, Weidmann also warned against giving the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) a banking license. He said that would be a fatal path to take if states were able to switch on the printing presses.

    Weidmann also said that raising the leverage of the EFSF would raise risks for German taxpayers. He said there were "good reasons" that EU treaties prevent the EFSF from obtaining a bank license.

    "The crisis won't be resolved by permanently increasing the size of the euro zone rescue fund," Weidmann said.

    Weidmann warned giving the EFSF a banking license would be tantamount to "turning on the printing presses for state finances and that would be in my view a fatal path to take. And there are good reasons that is forbidden by EU treaties."

    He appealed to euro zone governments, saying they "must make a clear decision about which direction to go, how the future of the monetary union should continue."

    Weidmann said it should also be remembered that there were also risks associated with increasing the leveraging the EFSF.

    "With the size of the leveraging obviously the size of the risk rises," he said.

    "The fundamental question is how long will it work in the euro zone that countries continue to operate their policies independently while at the same time increasingly collectivising the risks."

    He warned against subordinating the central bank beneath financial policy.

    "Its mission to ensure monetary stability and low inflation rates could then no longer be ensured."

    (Reporting By Erik Kirschbaum)

    Copyright 2011 Thomson Reuters. Click for Restrictions.

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    Sunday 23 October 2011

    Best grilled cheese in the U.S.

    By Food & Wine

    Courtesy of Grahamwich

    Chicago chef Graham Elliot Bowles's take on grilled cheese features Wisconsin cheddar, prosciutto, tomato marmalade and cheese curds.

    The best grilled cheese sandwich is the gooiest grilled cheese, says Laura Werlin,?the James Beard Award?winning cookbook author behind this year's "Grilled Cheese, Please!"

    "After you bite into it, the cheese should stretch out past your face as far as your arm will reach. Otherwise, it's just not right."

    Slideshow: Best Grilled Cheese in the U.S.

    While it?s easy to achieve some level of crunchy, buttery excellence at home, chefs and restaurateurs are creating exceptional grilled cheese sandwiches across the country.

    Given the West Coast?s reputation for producing great cheeses (there?s even a book titled?"The Guide to West Coast Cheese"), it?s fitting that some of the most delicious innovations are turning up in that part of the country. In San Francisco,?Heidi Gibson,?an?engineer with a degree from MIT,?won the national Grilled Cheese Invitational and opened American Grilled Cheese?Kitchen?in the city?s start-up-heavy SOMA neighborhood. Tech geeks now come for well-constructed sandwiches like the Mousetrap, with cheddar, Havarti and Monterey Jack on artisanal sourdough.

    Over-the-top combinations are the specialty at the rabidly popular Grilled Cheese Truck in Los Angeles. In most places, mac and cheese would be served with house-smoked barbecued pork as a side dish. Here, that?s the basis for a Cheesy Mac & Rib Sandwich.

    Angelenos looking for more restrained grilled cheeses head to Clementine, where?chef-owner Annie Miler got so excited about her bakery-caf??s 10th-Annual Celebration of Grilled Cheese Month in April 2011 that she offered 10 variations every week that month. A year-round favorite:?extra-sharp white Tillamook cheddar on country white with bacon or roasted cherry tomatoes.

    The nouveau grilled cheese trend is now spreading through major cities. A new caf? in Queens, N.Y., called The Queens Kickshaw, focuses on two buzzy foods: grilled cheese and coffee.?The menu takes inspiration from the amazing ethnic diversity of the borough with sandwiches like a Greek-influenced feta with roasted red pepper spread and the French-style?Gruy?re?with pickled and caramelized onions.

    Top chefs won?t be left out of the gooey movement either. Chicago?s?Graham Elliot Bowles is known for playful cuisine at Graham Elliot, and the sandwiches at his local take-out joint, Grahamwich, are equally inventive. The grilled cheese on sliced Pullman loaf features Wisconsin cheddar, prosciutto, tomato marmalade and cheese curds, which, when melted, add an extra soft, melty effect.

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    PFT: Lions' Best in danger of missing rest of season?

    Tim TebowAP

    Last week, Rosenthal and I disagreed on four games:? Eagles-Redskins, 49ers-Lions, Panthers-Falcons, and Bills-Giants.

    And I picked the Redskins, Lions, Panthers, and Bills.

    Rosenthal now leads by six games.? The bastard.

    For the week, he was 11-2.? (I was 7-6.)? For the year, he?s 63-32 and I?m 57-38.

    This week, we disagree on three.? So I?ll be nine back by Monday.

    Redskins at Panthers

    Florio?s take:? The Panthers have had a crippling schedule to date, and they?ve been competitive in each of their five losses.? The Redskins have worked their way to 3-2 against a less daunting slate of opponents.? Throw in the fact that the ?Skins are banged up and John Beck is getting his first start despite a belief in the locker room (at least in the mind of Santana Moss) that Rex Grossman should have kept the job, and it?s time for the Panthers to get an overdue second win.

    Florio?s pick:? Panthers 24, Redskins 17.

    Rosenthal?s take: This sets up as the perfect first start for John Beck. Carolina is on a three-game losing streak. The Panthers defense is searching for answers. Cam Newton is starting to get a little loose with the ball.? And I still think Beck will find a way to lose.

    Rosenthal?s pick: Panthers 24, Redskins 20.

    Seahawks at Browns

    Florio?s take:? Browns president Mike Holmgren gets his first crack at the team he coached longer than the team with which he?s most identified ? the Packers.? Sure, Holmgren isn?t coaching the Browns.? But the Big Show is running the production in Cleveland, and the Browns have roughly equivalent talent.? Though Holmgren?s new team isn?t ready to have the same kind of success that his old team had, his new team should be able to hold serve at home.

    Florio?s pick:? Browns 20, Seahawks 13.

    Rosenthal?s take: It?s amazing the winner of this game will be 3-3. I heard talk in Cleveland that the Browns season is in real trouble if they lose to a team like Seattle, but the Seahawks have played better football this season. Colt McCoy is no more efficient than Charvaris Jackhurst.? If I could choose a tie, I would.

    Rosenthal?s pick: Browns 23, Seahawks 21.

    Falcons at Lions

    Florio?s take:? It?s time to find out how the Lions handle adversity.? We?ve seen them come back from 20- and 24-point deficits, but the sense of invincibility has been shattered with that loss to the 49ers.? Also, the running game has taken a hit with Jahvid Best?s latest concussion and the scuttling of the trade for Ronnie Brown.? But the Lions remain an elite NFC team . . . just like the Falcons were in 2010.

    Florio?s pick:? Lions 27, Falcons 16.

    Rosenthal?s take: This is a huge game for Atlanta. They haven?t been over .500 all year or played well on the road. These two teams could be battling for a wild card spot, and Atlanta will have a lot of ground to make up if they lose. At some point Atlanta has to beat NFC contenders. They?ve lost to three already, and Detroit?s defensive line should ensure this becomes the fourth.

    Rosenthal?s pick: Lions 31, Falcons 23.

    Broncos at Dolphins

    Florio?s take:? The Suck for Luck Elimination Tour heads to Sun Life Stadium, where the Dolphins can?t win ? which means they can?t lose their crack at the Stanford quarterback.? Tim Tebow?s first start of the 2011 season comes against one of the few teams he can beat.? And that?s just fine with Dolphins fans.

    Florio?s pick:? Broncos 20, Dolphins 10.

    Rosenthal?s take: I?m picking the Dolphins out of mercy.? Losing to the Broncos on Tim Tebow Appreciation day in Miami seems like an unnecessarily cruel way for Tony Sparano to go out. The football gods aren?t that vengeful.

    Rosenthal?s pick: Dolphins 27, Broncos 20.

    Chargers at Jets

    Florio?s take:? This one became a lot more interesting on Wednesday, with Jets coach Rex Ryan taking an unintended shot at Norv Turner and with Turner firing back in uncharacteristic fashion.? Beating the Dolphins hardly cures what?s wrong with the Jets, and the Chargers have the horses to make the trek across the country and move their record to 5-1, even though LaDainian Tomlinson and Antonio Cromartie will be relishing this crack at their former team.

    Florio?s pick:? Chargers 20, Jets 17.

    Rosenthal?s take: The Chargers haven?t looked very impressive while jumping out to a 4-1 record, but they should have Antonio Gates back. The Jets have looked even less impressive at 3-3. The offensive coaches have put the training wheels back on Mark Sanchez. The run defense has holes. Monday?s ugly win, however, feels like it?s going to be a springboard for more ugly wins to come.

    Rosenthal?s pick: Jets 28, Chargers 23.

    Bears at Buccaneers

    Florio?s take:? If the Bears play like they did last week, the Bucs don?t have a chance.? But the last time the Bears looked great, against the Falcons, I fooled myself into thinking they could keep it up against a solid team from the NFC South.? The Bucs rebounded incredibly well from a thrashing in San Fran, and they?re not likely to continue to build on unlikely momentum that has taken them to the top of the division.

    Florio?s pick:? Buccaneers 28, Bears 19.

    Rosenthal?s take: The Bucs think that getting to London four days before the Bears will give them an advantage.? Another plus: Chicago didn?t magically solve their offensive problems in one win. Josh Freeman is coming off his best game of the season and can expose Chicago?s young safeties.

    Rosenthal?s pick: Buccaneers 27, Bears 24.

    Texans at Titans

    Florio?s take:? The team that used to be in Houston and the team that currently is in Houston are the only two teams with a realistic shot at winning the AFC South.? Sunday?s round one will go a long way toward deciding a division that ultimately could be settled in Week 17, when the rematch unfolds.? It?s time for the hard-luck Texans to make some good luck for themselves.

    Florio?s pick:? Texans 24, Titans 20.

    Rosenthal?s take: The biggest game of the NFL weekend. If the Titans win, they have a two-game lead in the loss column in the AFC South. If the Texans win, they look like division favorites with a favorable schedule on the way.? Wade Phillips will copy Pittsburgh?s gameplan to slow Matt Hasselbeck down. The Texans still have enough talent on defense to pull it off.

    Rosenthal?s pick: Texans 28, Titans 21.

    Steelers at Cardinals

    Florio?s take:? This rematch of Super Bowl XLIII features two teams that have gone in very different directions since February 2009.? But the Steelers aren?t quite the same squad when they leave Heinz Field, and former Pittsburgh assistants Ken Whisenhunt and Russ Grimm will be looking both to settle scores and to avoid sliding to 1-5.

    Florio?s pick:? Cardinals 20, Steelers 17.

    Rosenthal?s take: The Steelers defense is suddenly first in yards allowed. They got ranked that high by mauling shaky offensive lines like Seattle and Jacksonville.? Look for more of the same this week.? There may not be a tackle combination in the league worse than Levi Brown and Brandon Keith.

    Rosenthal?s pick: Steelers 20, Cardinals 13.

    Chiefs at Raiders

    Florio?s take:? Whether it?s Carson Palmer or Kyle Boller or Terrelle Pryor or JaMarcus Russell or Jeff George or Ken Stabler, the Raiders are riding the ?just win, baby? vibe, and they seem to be on their way to a playoff berth.? One way to get there is to continue their recent mastery of the AFC West.

    Florio?s pick:? Raiders 27, Chiefs 23.

    Rosenthal?s take: I?d pick the Raiders even if Kyle Boller were starting. Heck, I?d pick the Raiders even if Florio?s buddy Brett Favre were starting.? Oakland is built on aggressive line play on both sides of the ball, not their quarterbacks.? Kansas City?s season has been built on beating two bad teams.

    Rosenthal?s pick: Raiders 26, Chiefs 20.

    Rams at Cowboys

    Florio?s take:? Like the Jets on Monday night, the Cowboys need to chase a loss at New England with a confidence builder against a winless team.? After the Cowboys climb back to .500, they?ll think they?re a playoff team.? At least for a week.

    Florio?s pick:? Cowboys 31, Rams 17.

    Rosenthal?s take: Someone asked me this week what losing team had the best chance to make the playoffs. I went with the Cowboys. The defense is way further along than expected. The three losses were to the 49ers, Lions, and Patriots. The offense has enough talent. Finally, the schedule eases up a bit starting now.

    Rosenthal?s pick: Cowboys 37, Rams 17.

    Packers at Vikings

    Florio?s take:? Last year, the Packers embarrassed the Vikings in the Metrodome, at a time when the Vikings were better than they now are ? and the Packers were worse.? This one could make Donovan McNabb happy he was benched.

    Florio?s pick:? Packer 42, Vikings 20.

    Rosenthal?s take: No rookie quarterback looked more overmatched in August than Christian Ponder. Cam Newton also struggled somewhat in August, but I know Cam Newton.? I?ve watched Cam Newton.? Cam Newton is a friend of mine.? Christian Ponder is no Cam Newton.? (Note: I?m not actually friends with Cam Newton.)

    Rosenthal?s pick: Packers 30, Vikings 10.

    Colts at Saints

    Florio?s take:? The rematch of Super Bowl XLIV would have been a great one for NBC, if Peyton Manning were playing.? Instead, it?ll simply be a great one for the Saints.

    Florio?s pick:? Saints 38, Colts 21.

    Rosenthal?s take: Indianapolis? loss to the Saints in the Super Bowl suddenly feels like a long time ago. The big drama that regular season was whether the Colts would go undefeated. Now they could go winless. That shouldn?t happen because Curtis Painter has quietly looked like a competent quarterbacks the last few weeks. And I?m not just saying that because NBC can?t flex out of this game.

    Rosenthal?s pick: Saints 34, Colts 17.

    Ravens at Jaguars

    Florio?s take:? On Monday night, plenty of people will be feeling nostalgic for the Dolphins-Jets barn burner.

    Florio?s pick:? Ravens 30, Jaguars 10.

    Rosenthal?s take: The Ravens have the best defense in football and it?s not even close. It?s a perfect marriage of talent and aggressive scheme.? The Jaguars have the worst passing attack in the league, and it?s not even close.? This game will not be close.

    Rosenthal?s pick: Ravens 30, Jaguars 7.


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    Saturday 22 October 2011

    Lawmaker warns Pakistan over ties to Haqqani group (AP)

    WASHINGTON ? The chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee on Friday warned Pakistan that the United States, if necessary, will aggressively target extremists operating within its borders and attacking American forces in Afghanistan.

    Echoing the blunt message that Obama administration officials delivered in Islamabad, Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., said Pakistan could lose an ally if it fails to take responsibility for allowing and supporting the attacks because the United States will always defend its troops.

    "We have the right to target not only forces and artillery attacking our forces in Afghanistan from across the border in Pakistan, but to target the people controlling those forces as well," Levin said in a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations.

    Levin said Pakistan must crack down on the Haqqani network, considered a major threat to American forces. Former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen told Congress last month that the violent Haqqani network "acts as a veritable arm" of Islamabad's intelligence agency.

    "We should inform Pakistan that it should not expect to normalize its relationship with the United States so long as it provides safe haven for violent extremist groups or uses terrorists as proxies to weaken other countries or bully them into acceding to Pakistan's demands," Levin said.

    Levin said the United States should designate the Haqqani network a terrorist organization like the Taliban and al-Qaida.

    The senator also criticized Pakistan's obstruction of reconciliation efforts In Afghanistan and said it is an impediment to improved relations with the United States.


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    US: militants have operated too long from Pakistan (AP)

    ISLAMABAD ? U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Friday that extremists have been able to operate from Pakistani soil for too long, increasing pressure on Islamabad to crack down on Islamist militants destabilizing Afghanistan who are allegedly supported by the government.

    Clinton is in Pakistan heading an unusually large delegation for two days of talks with civilian and military leaders in Pakistan. The delegation includes CIA director David Petraeus and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey.

    The U.S. has become increasingly impatient with Pakistan's refusal to take military action against the Haqqani militant network, which is based in the country's rugged tribal region. The group is considered the greatest threat to American troops in Afghanistan, and U.S. officials have accused Pakistan's military spy agency, the ISI, of providing it with support ? an allegation denied by Islamabad.

    "We should be able to agree that for too long extremists have been able to operate here in Pakistan and from Pakistani soil," said Clinton in a joint press conference with Pakistani Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar. "No one who targets innocent civilians, whether they be Pakistanis, Afghans, Americans or anyone else should be tolerated or protected."

    Clinton is also scheduled to meet with Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari on Friday. She and the other members of her delegation held a lengthy four-hour discussion with top Pakistani military and intelligence officials on Thursday.

    "We respect the challenges that Pakistan faces, and we respect the work we are doing together, including our cooperation against al-Qaida," said Clinton. "So terrorism is a challenge we share, and we want to work together to root out all of the extremists who threaten us, including the Taliban and the Haqqani network."

    The large U.S. contingent was meant to display unity among the various U.S. agencies with an interest in Pakistan, including the CIA, Pentagon and State Department. Clinton arrived in Islamabad from Afghanistan, where she said the team would "push Pakistan very hard."

    She said the U.S. expects the Pakistani government, military and intelligence services to take the lead in fighting Pakistan-based militants and also in encouraging Afghan militants to reconcile.

    The Pakistani military has said it can't launch an offensive against the Haqqani network in its safe haven in the North Waziristan tribal area because its troops are stretched too thin by other operations against insurgents at war with the state.

    But many analysts suspect the military is reluctant to target a group that is seen as an important potential ally in Afghanistan once foreign troops withdraw. Both the U.S. and Pakistani governments had close relations with the founder of the Haqqani network, Jalaluddin Haqqani, during the war against the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 1980s.


    Associated Press writer Sebastian Abbot in Islamabad contributed to this report.


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    Friday 21 October 2011

    Russia concerned about Iran nuclear report: diplomats (Reuters)

    VIENNA (Reuters) ? Russia fears a U.N. report which is expected to heighten suspicions about Iran's atomic ambitions could undermine Moscow's initiative to help resolve a nuclear dispute with Tehran, diplomatic sources said on Wednesday.

    Russia's concern about the timing of the U.N. report, due next month, contrasts with the hopes of Western states that the document will strengthen their case to step up pressure on the Islamic state over its nuclear program.

    Western powers fear Iran is using its nuclear program to develop atomic weapons. Iran says it needs to refine uranium for a planned network of nuclear power plants.

    Russia's concerns may be a sign of differences among the six major powers involved in the search for a diplomatic solution to the nuclear row -- the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany -- on how to best approach the Iran issue.

    Russia, which has commercial and other links with Iran, has proposed a step-by-step diplomatic effort to defuse the nuclear standoff but Western diplomats have given the plan a cool response.

    Moscow and Beijing have backed four rounds of U.N. sanctions on Iran since 2006 over its refusal to halt sensitive nuclear work that could have both civilian and military uses.

    But they criticized the United States and the European Union last year for taking additional unilateral steps against the major oil producer and it is uncertain whether they would back any new Western sanctions push at the United Nations.

    "I think it is unlikely that Russia and China will consent to a new round of crippling sanctions before negotiations are given another chance," said Ali Vaez of the Federation of American Scientists, a Washington-based think tank.

    The International Atomic Energy Agency, the U.N. nuclear watchdog, is expected in its report to spell out in detail why it said last month that it is "increasingly concerned" that Iran may be seeking to develop nuclear missiles.


    Diplomats say IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano may stop short of explicitly declaring whether he believes Iran has been working on a nuclear weapons program, as Tehran's Western adversaries would want him to.

    "We think the IAEA has a lot of information that would allow the agency to come to clear findings on the issue of possible military dimensions," one Western official said.

    Vienna-based diplomats stressed that the report was still being drafted by IAEA experts and the wording could change.

    Two diplomats said they believed Russia was concerned that a strongly worded document would further sour the atmosphere with Iran and therefore damage the chances of Moscow's diplomatic plan to succeed.

    They suggested Russia was mainly worried about the timing of the report's publication, rather than about its content.

    Russia's mission in Vienna was not immediately available for comment.

    Since negotiations between the powers and Iran foundered in January, Russia has advocated a phased plan in which Tehran would address concerns that it may be seeking nuclear weapons, and be rewarded with an easing of sanctions.

    The proposal, described by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in July in Washington, seeks to revive negotiations to put to rest suspicions that Iran may be seeking nuclear arms.

    Talks between Iran and the six powers in Geneva in December and in Istanbul in January failed to make headway on reining in Iran's nuclear program.

    Iran has said it is willing to resume discussions, but its insistence that other countries recognize its right to enrich uranium is a major stumbling block, particularly for Western diplomats who see it as an unacceptable precondition.

    Western diplomats have raised doubts about the Russian plan's ability to defuse the long-running row and also noted that Tehran has yet to give a clear answer to Moscow.

    "The Russian proposal does not appear to fly. I can't see any movement on the nuclear issue," said a senior diplomat based in Tehran.

    (Editing by Andrew Heavens)


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    Thursday 20 October 2011

    US urges end to abuses of Myanmar minorities (AP)

    WASHINGTON ? The United States sees encouraging new signs of openness in isolated Myanmar, but after decades of military rule, the Asian country has a way to go before it loses its pariah status and rids itself of tough sanctions.

    Special envoy to Myanmar Derek Mitchell said Monday there seems to be a trend toward greater openness in that Asian country but questions remain about its commitment to democratic change.

    Myanmar, also known as Burma, held elections last year which, although flawed, were its first since pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi swept a 1990 vote and was barred from taking power.

    In late September, the government stopped work on a controversial China-backed dam, saying the $3.6 billion project was "against the will of the people." And last week, authorities freed as many as 250 of the country's 2,000-plus political detainees.

    Mitchell welcomed the government's recent moves as encouraging and said his September visit yielded productive meetings with Myanmar officials, traditionally viewed as xenophobic. He said they were willing to discuss any issues he raised.

    "Right now I think there are a lot of restrictions that make them into a pariah state. And Burma is a proud country with a tremendous history, and they deserve to come out of the shadows and take their prideful place in the region," Mitchell told a news conference in Washington.

    Myanmar, a former breadbasket of Southeast Asia, has suffered not just repressive government but poor economic management during nearly 50 years of military rule. It is subject to wide-ranging trade, economic and political sanctions from the U.S. and other Western nations, enforced in response to brutal crackdowns on pro-democracy protesters in 1988 and 2007 and its refusal to hand power to Suu Kyi's party after the 1990 elections.

    Sanctions and isolation have failed to force change and served only to complicate U.S. engagement with the economically vibrant Southeast Asian region, as Washington looks to deepen its existing alliances and forge new ones to counter China's rise.

    The Obama administration has sought to engage Myanmar, and after two years there are signs of change, although whether that is in response to U.S. overtures is difficult to tell. Myanmar also is vying to assume the rotating chair of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in 2014 and may be trying to impress ASEAN leaders before they meet at a November summit, when the decision could be made.

    When it comes to rewarding Myanmar for reforms, Washington is likely to have tougher criteria than ASEAN, and it is likely to proceed in an incremental manner.

    Mitchell would not give specifics about what those steps might be. David Steinberg, a Myanmar expert at Georgetown University, said a first move could be to allow the World Bank and Asian Development Bank to help Myanmar.

    The U.S. already has made some positive gestures, such as easing travel restrictions that enabled Myanmar's foreign minister to visit the State Department last month.

    For more tangible concessions, a key test will be action on political prisoners. Mitchell urged releases of all such detainees, including 1988-era student protest leaders Min Ko Naing and Ko Ko Gyi, and a monk at the forefront of the 2007 protests, Gambiri.

    Mitchell also said that while the government has held high-level talks with democratic opposition leader Suu Kyi, it has not made comparable progress in its relations with ethnic minorities in the north and east of Myanmar. He noted credible reports of continued human rights abuses, including against minority women and children.

    "We made it very clear that we could not have a transformed relationship as long as these abuses and credible reports of abuses occur," he said.

    Myanmar is an ethnically diverse nation, and most of the minorities have taken up arms at some point against the government dominated by the military and the ethnic Burman majority. Legions of villagers have been displaced by brutal military campaigns, and this year has seen violence flare in the Kachin and Shan states against ethnic armies that had reached cease-fires with the Myanmar regime.

    Steinberg said the U.S. also would be looking to see a further decrease in media censorship and the legalization of Suu Kyi's political party, which was outlawed for boycotting the 2010 elections as unfair.


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    Wednesday 19 October 2011

    Amazon lockers come to NYC, no more getting caught by UPS in your PJs

    Amazon Lockers NYC
    First Seattle, then London, now the Big Apple -- Amazon's delivery lockers are starting to pop up all over. As we've explained before, the lockers are basically giant, automated PO boxes, designated exclusively for Amazon purchases. If you choose to add a locker location to your address book (go check your account settings to see if the option is available to you yet), your package will be crammed into one of these kiosks and you'll be given a code to unlock a particular slot at the location of your choice. So far there are eight scattered around Manhattan in Rite Aides, D'Agostinos and Gristedes. We haven't wandered out of our secret lair to get photographic evidence of the drop off locations yet (we prefer to have our Amazon purchases left at the gate under the watchful eye of a turret), but we think the screen shot we took is proof enough that we're not pulling your leg. Still, if you're afraid the UPS guy might swing by while you're still in your jammies this seems like a pretty nice solution.

    Amazon lockers come to NYC, no more getting caught by UPS in your PJs originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 17 Oct 2011 01:24:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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    Tuesday 18 October 2011

    Country stars raise $500K for Texas fire victims (AP)

    AUSTIN, Texas ? Dixie Chicks lead singer Natalie Maines told a thunderous crowd Monday night that "there was zero hesitation" when the band was asked to perform with fellow country stars to raise money for victims of recent wildfires in her home state of Texas.

    She and her band mates joined Willie Nelson, George Strait and other musicians during a mega-concert in Austin that raised more than $500,000. A fire that started Sept. 4 in Central Texas' Bastrop County destroyed at least 1,500 homes and killed two people, marking the most devastating of the numerous fires that have scorched about 6,000 square miles in Texas in the last year.

    Maines told the crowd she was worried that without homes, "you all might not look lovely." But she told them they all looked fantastic.

    "When they called us to do this show, there was zero hesitation," she said. "You can take the girl out of Texas, but you can't take Texas out of the girl."

    Nelson was joined onstage by folksy newcomers The Avett Brothers and, backed up by Asleep at the Wheel, they roused the crowd with rowdy versions of Nelson's classic "On the Road Again" and the gospel "Will the Circle Be Unbroken."

    Nelson recently spent time filming a movie in Bastrop and, in an interview before the concert, called the fires "tragic." He said he has lost homes to fire and knows how devastating it can be.

    "You never really get over it," he said. "There's nothing I can tell them to make it better except some of us have been there and done that and we survived it, and they will too. Be strong."

    Asleep at the Wheel front man Ray Benson, who helped book the performers, said he seldom asks his friends for favors but thought this cause was important enough.

    "This one was so compelling, I said `OK, let me call Willie and let me call Lyle (Lovett)' and they both said yeah," Benson said. "Willie actually cancelled a show to do it. Lyle also canceled an appearance."

    Benson said the music community felt a responsibility to help.

    "I just think the scope of devastation was so great and so close to home," he said. "The numbers in Bastrop were so overwhelming, how do you deal with something like that? And also you do feel ... that we're in a position to not sit on the sidelines and do something."

    The concert started with Christopher Cross. Eleven acts were scheduled to perform, and helping emcee was actor Kyle Chandler, who won an Emmy last month for his role as a Texas high school football coach in "Friday Night Lights."

    Images of charred forests, skeletal remains of vehicles and homes were shown between sets at the Frank Erwin Center at the University of Texas at Austin campus.

    The concert was nearly full, but officials said they didn't yet have numbers for the number of tickets sold. But one of the concert's hosts told the crowd that they'd raised "way north of $500,000."

    Several attendees wore T-shirts representing local volunteer fire departments that battled the recent blazes.


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    Gingrich campaign reports $1.1 million in red ink, largest known debt in GOP field (Star Tribune)

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