Saturday, 12 November 2011

Tweets become new spin room in 2012 campaign (AP)

NEW YORK ? If last night's presidential primary debate is any indication, social networking may have become instant punditry.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry had barely gotten through his gaffe in Wednesday's Republican debate when a rolling commentary at the bottom of the TV screen declared his campaign on life support.

Social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook have long been hotbeds of political conversation. But debate host CNBC took things a step further, featuring an onscreen crawl with tweets reacting to what was transpiring onstage.

The network chose a mix of citizen tweets to feature onscreen along with those from "influencers" like former General Electric Chairman Jack Welch and Larry Sabato, the University of Virginia professor and well-known political commentator.

CNBC even posted a tweet from President Obama's re-election Twitter feed.


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