Saturday, 23 June 2012

Introduction to the History of the Ancient World

Ancient history is the study of human history from the time it has been recorded up until the Early Middle Ages (5th century AD). Since this period is approximately 5,000 years in length, it is a limited study of human?s time here on Earth. Cultures and events before written records were made are considered to be ?prehistory,? which is not included in the ancient history model.

How is Ancient History Studied?

Archaeology is the science and effort behind studying ancient history. A lot of information about a culture can be gathered when artifacts are excavated and examined. Archaeologists spend time on sites and even in the laboratory to discover as much as they possibly can about a civilization and its people.

People who study in this field also spend a lot of time speaking with local and indigenous people in the area of interest. Some families have passed down oral histories and traditions for generations, which can reveal interesting facts and clues about the ancient culture that lived before them.

Another method of studying history is by reading source texts. Such documents come from historians that lived during the time of a particular civilization. It?s also possible to find source texts from historians that lived after a civilization fell, as they may have been researchers in their time also.

Where Did it All Begin?

The Ancient Near East region is considered to be the birthplace of human civilization. Here we find the first records of agriculture that lasted year-round, a writing system that people used frequently, and plenty of inventions that made life a little easier.

This region is where modern Iraq, northeastern Syria, and southeast Turkey are today. It is also the place where the first centralized governments, empires, and law codes were established. Social classes, organized wars, and slavery were unfortunate results of such political and economic development.

Fortunately, sciences like mathematics and astronomy also came from the ancient cultures of the Near East, with one of them being Mesopotamia. The people of this civilization were the first writers, astronomers, and mathematicians.

Later cultures developed more advanced systems and made significant discoveries in areas of engineering, metallurgy, health, and technology. India and China are credited with many of these advancements that continue to bewilder people today. Many of our modern achievements have come from these ancient peoples.

A Brief Timeline of Ancient History

The common eras of ancient history are divided into ages and empires. The Neolithic Age is considered to be prehistory, while the Bronze Age and the Iron Age are part of an initial period that describes the first civilizations with written records. These included the Egyptians, the Indus Valley people, and the Mesopotamians. The approximate time frame of the Bronze Age was from 3000 BC to 1200 BC, and the Iron Age lasted from 1200 BC to 400 AD.

The Middle Ages and Classical Antiquity are the next, broad references of cultural history that focuses on the civilizations located around the Mediterranean Sea, in Central and South America, and in Asia.

This Classical Antiquity begins with the Greeks, includes the Romans, and ends with the Late Classical period. During this time of the Middle Ages from 400 AD to 1000 AD and beyond, the Chinese, Persian, and Indian cultures thrived in Asia. In Central America, the Mayan culture began around 1500 BC, and the Aztecs and Incas developed in Mexico and South America around 1300 AD.

Challenges With Studying Ancient History

One of the challenges with studying ancient history is the fact that written records only go back so far. Some cultures show evidence of thriving before there were any kind of tablets, texts, or drawings made to record their history. Archaeologists determine this by finding artifacts like handmade tools, pottery, jewelery, statues, and other objects.

Another concern about studying ancient history is the difficulty in finding enough documents that have survived over time. There are only a small number of records that are available to study, which gives researchers just a small glimpse into the past.

Last, the literacy factor is another challenge associated with ancient history studies. Civilizations vary greatly in how literate they were in comparison to others; some cultures had highly developed written languages, while others relied on oral traditions.

These challenges and discoveries make ancient history a worthwhile and exciting field to study.

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